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about christina sabeh

I grew up in Pittsburgh and attended Princeton University, majoring in Anthropology.  After college, I worked and served as an AmeriCorps member in Cumberland, MD, dealing with healthcare access for uninsured adults. I earned my medical degree from Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia and returned to Pittsburgh for Internal Medicine residency at UPMC in the Primary Care Track.  I have experience working in both major local health systems: after residency, at Magee-Women’s Internal Medicine of UPMC, and subsequently, at Allegheny Health Network. However, I am excited to be able to provide excellent primary care outside the constraints of corporate medicine through the DPC model.


1. What is Direct Primary Care (DPC)?

In short, DPC is a medical practice model that eliminates insurance companies as the primary payers of medical care in order to provide care directly to patients. Patients become members of a practice and pay their doctors (usually a monthly fee) directly.

2. How will this help me?

Eliminating insurance companies as the middle man in the doctor-patient relationship creates a lot of freedom for both the doctor and the patient. As a physician, I don't have to waste time trying to get the insurance companies to pay me, which allows me to spend more time taking care of my patients. This gives us the freedom and flexibility to practice medicine according to our values, and those of our patients, not what is dictated to us by large companies who know nothing about us.

No extra paperwork. More time

3. Do I need to keep my health insurance?

Yes, you will still want to use your health insurance to cover things such as specialists, medication, radiology and laboratory testing and hospitalization.

4. What exactly is a "micropractice"?

A "micropractice" is a very small medical practice; it's just me. I have no employees and do everything myself.  For example, when you call, I will answer the phone - unless I'm with a patient, of course. By staying small, I'm able to keep overhead low, and I don't need to see a ton of patients to keep the doors open and the lights on. My patients are my priority, and I have the freedom to spend as much time with them as necessary.

5. How long are appointment times?

Typically, 60 minutes for a new patient and at least 30 minutes for a follow-up, but it will vary depending on the patient and the complexity of the issue at hand.

6. How do I get in touch with you?

Feel free to contact me by phone, text or email, whichever is easiest for your.

However, please reserve email for routine, non-emergent questions or issues.

7. What if I have to see a specialist?

Just like any other primary care physician, I will refer you to a specialist if we decide that is best for you. Because I am not bogged down with paperwork or billing insurance companies, I also have time to contact specialists directly to discuss your care with them. This is a part of "old-time" medicine that has largely been lost due to the ever-increasing demands on physicians' time.

8. I have many, complex medical problems, will this work for me?


As an internist I am trained to take care of patients with multiple, complex medical problems. I love the challenge of researching disease processes and find it thrilling to work with my patients o n the best treatment plan for them. I can dig deep into the details of what is going on with my patients because I have the time to review their records and research their conditions.

9. I am healthy and busy and don't have time to see a doctor regularly, but when I am sick I can't get an appointment with one.

I am not playing the numbers game of "assembly line medicine" and am not tied to productivity quotas, therefore I will not waste your time with unnecessary appointments.  If you need an appointment, we will find a time that works for you.

10. Do you take Medicare?

I am able to see patients who have Medicare, but I do not take Medicare for reimbursement.

11. Do I have to pay a co-pay to see you?

There are no co-pays.

12. Do I have to sign a contract?

No, you are free to quit the membership at any time.

13. Do you have a monthly appointment limit?

No, I will see you as often as necessary.

14. What are your hours?

Hours are by appointment only. I will work with you to find the best time for your schedule.

15. Do you do home visits?

Yes, if it is easier to meet at your home.



Christina M. Sabeh, MD LLC

Direct Primary Care

Internal Medicine

412-206-1376 Phone        456-789-1234 Fax

12 Eastern Ave

Pittsburgh, PA 15215